Spreading the Word on the Benefits of Nasal Breathing
Our products are designed by Patrick McKeown, a globally respected breathing expert, author, and TedX speaker. As well as running his own podcast series, Patrick regularly engages with some of the biggest leaders in the world of health and wellness, and sleep/respiratory health across the globe.

Safe, sleep, science
MyoTape is a ground-breaking product promoting healthy breathing for improved sleep and is built on Patricks 22 years studying how humans breathe. As well as running his own podcast, Patrick regularly engages with some of the biggest names in the world of health and wellness with his science-led approach.
Media Enquires
Patrick is a passionate believer in the benefits to adults and children alike of regulating breathing for improved sleep health and all-round well-being. A Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology and the Academy of Applied Myofunctional Sciences, he regularly speaks at dental, respiratory and wellness conferences worldwide as well as running the world leading Oxygen Advantage and Buteyko Clinic Training Programmes.
Patrick is always open to to further opportunities to spread the word on how we can all breathe and live better.